This was fun. I really like the drawing I did above. It was the last one in a practice session of drawing hands and feet that came about when I was doodling with my daughter. Whenever I draw with her, at least nine times out of ten, she’ll ask me to draw a princess or a mermaid or a princess mermaid or a mermaid princess (you get the idea), which I always execute lovingly, but invariably, they end up with these freakish monstrosities for hands, and I am always thinking to myself, really Leila, you’re an artist, can’t you draw a better set of hands than that?! No, apparently not really. Not without practice.

Anyways, these are the drawings I did, in the order I did them, without leaving the “mistakes” out, from start to finish. I like the fact that some of them really suck because not all of them do, and the last one certainly doesn’t, even if it’s not a masterpiece, and that just goes to show you that staying engaged in the process of making art will make you better at it, sometimes a little at a time, and sometimes a lot.

Also, if I had stopped at “Poo!” I never would have gotten anywhere at all.